A bouquet of orange Roses & red Gerberas creates a warm and inviting ambiance, evoking feelings of passion and excitement, as the bride embarks on a journey of love that is filled with warmth and zest for life
[As Shown] Mixture of Roses, Gerberas, Eucalyptus Leaves
This is a bridal bouquet. You may choose the following options.
For Bridal - No stem wrapping. Comes with cotton and water in plastic bag. Please remove the plastic and cotton and wipe off excess water with cloth before using.
Please take note that the selection of materials (eg: fruits, wine, soft toys, chocolate, flower, container and etc) may vary from the picture depending on the availability. PURE SEED reserve the right to change / substitute the materials to ensure timely delivery while maintaining the quality and aesthetics of the final product.
All orders received before 3:00 pm (Monday - Saturday) will be arranged for delivery within the same working day.
For orders received after 3:00 pm (Monday - Saturday) , it will depend on our operational availability. We will try to arrange for same day delivery, otherwise it will be made the next day.
If you require same day delivery for order placed after 3:00 pm, please call us directly at +(60)3 2026 2328. We'd gladly try our best to assist.
Weekend & Public Holiday Delivery
Orders received on Sunday and Public Holiday will be processed for delivery on the next working day.
Our operation hours are from 8:30am-5:30pm (Monday-Saturday). Excluding Sunday and public holiday.