Carnation Collection

Carnation, a flower as enduring as a mother's love, is a timeless symbol of admiration and affection, perfectly suited for honoring the cherished ladies in our lives. Like a mother's gentle embrace, each delicate petal of the Carnation whispers tales of appreciation and gratitude. Whether presented in soft pinks to convey admiration or vibrant reds to express deep love, carnations serve as a heartfelt tribute to the nurturing spirits who grace our lives with warmth and compassion. With their enduring beauty and timeless charm, Carnation stand as a token of love and appreciation, a fitting gesture to honor the beloved mothers and ladies who fill our hearts with endless joy and devotion


From MYR 269.00


From MYR 249.00


From MYR 239.00


From MYR 249.00


From MYR 249.00